Alto is a learning system intended to supplement traditional core teaching methods. Alto's mission is to maximise your student’s potential.
Alto makes learning highly efficient by using sophisticated memory training techniques - We look for a student’s areas of weakness and focus on these until they achieve fluency in the subject. This ensures the student has no gaps in their learning and is introduced to new topics when they are ready to progress.
At Alto, we talk a lot about fluency. When fluent, a student asked: "What is 6 x 8?" or "How do you spell millennium?" will answer instantly or for more complex questions, solve the problem quickly and confidently.
Without fluency in the building blocks that make up a student’s knowledge, it is more difficult for them to progress efficiently through their schooling.
In today's world, it isn't enough to know a topic - you need to be able to achieve excellent results when tested on that topic. Alto includes regular tests on all topics and trains your student in a range of test taking strategies.
Spending as little as 10 minutes each day on Alto, you will soon notice a marked improvement in your student’s knowledge.
With Alto, we want children to learn efficiently – so they can spend more time reading and playing.
Sign up today to start your Alto journey !